How's your day?

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Archmagus has died, I'm afraid. My host quit on me - there's some kind of error in the payment system wherby, they think I haven't payed, when I really have. So they shut down my account. No warning email, no notification, no requests for money, just bam. I'm locked out - I can't back up databases or anything.

That's the last straw for p4host. They've been having so much trouble lately, that I'm sick of their crap. 2 days a week, I would be locked out from coding & compatability tests, because they can't keep their system up. So I switched to a new host where I have more space, more options, and (hopefully) more reliability.

I don't think I'm going to restore the message boards. We weren't using them anyway, and there's a link to Brian's on the side. It doesn't seem to be up now, but maybe he'll put it up later. If not, we can create a board on Invisionfree. But I don't think we were using boards enough to justify the web space.

Also, if anyone saw my earlier entry (something about religious classes in public schools in Staunton - if anybody remembers Sano (Dan) from the boards, that's where he's from) - I apologize. I didn't check which blog I was sending that to - I thought it was going to my political blog. The BlogThis extension for firefox needs more settings, IMO.

Anyhow, I suppose that's it for now. Catch you all later, and have a good day!


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