How's your day?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


((I hope this is okay, you gave us a challenge! Oh, and I'll let someone else name him.))

Beautiful sights died before him as he kept falling. But was he really falling? He couldn't tell up from down, right from left. It was very disconcerting to him but there was nothing he could do to stop it. Fortunately, as that thought passed his mind, the scene ended. He was alone in total blackness, a dark so constricting he didn't dare make a sound. The only thing that could be heard was a very somber piece being played on what sounded like a grand piano. Could it be the Moonlight Sonata?


  • Heehee! Nifty... I wonder how we'll turn this into something solid? ^.^

    By Blogger Agius, at 9:30 PM  

  • You know, I'm thinking it becomes like a modern sci-fi/fantasy almost. A lot could happen. Perhaps our hero is dreaming and has a vision? Perhaps he is bestowed some kind of gift from a supernatural force? That'll be up to us as we progress this story. Anyway, next person's turn :)

    By Blogger Azuris, at 9:51 PM  

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