How's your day?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hello Everyone!

Well, here's my first post. Sorry it took me so long, I've been pretty busy with schoolwork. Nothing too interesting, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'll go ahead and enlighten on a few points. I'll probably end up going into more detail for my own blog, The Azure Wings of Time.

I played about an hour and a half of racquetball last night, so now I'm sore...

We had to build a tower out of a single sheet of paper today for Aerospace Practicum. That was cool. My team had the tallest and there is only one more team to build there's tomorrow (they are in a different class period. If they can't beat 54.75" then we win and we get 10 extra credit points on our midterm exam. 54.75" is huge, by the way. I came up with the design, which is cool. In fact, my design was so awesome, we only used about one inch of the allotted twelve inches of tape. Go me!

Tonight there was a chili cook-out. Decent chili, really good cornbread. Music. The works. Pretty fun, but all my friends had class at that time.

I have rehearsal tonight. I have the first scene of Act 1 memorized and almost all of the fourth scene. For those who don't know, I am playing Duke Orsino in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. He is the male lead of this play (though he actually doesn't have a ton of lines like the Shakespeare's leads usually do). The true lead of the play is Viola, surprisingly. Shakespeare almost never game a woman the lead role.

Anyway, I've gotta go get some stuff done before I head off to my College Players meeting and rehearsal. Catch ya later.

Andy: How are we going to do this whole story thing? And I might end up sticking primarily with the story because I'll be doing my daily life thing on my own blog. I'll look for interesting stuff too, but not today.


  • 0.0 Wow... that's a ginormous paper tower! Glad you had fun at the chili gala - I played Smash Bros. at our Furry Club meeting. And a little DDR. I can reliably get a "B" on Drop Out now, and I can get about halfway through Max 300 / Heavy.

    I'll make a post today or tomorrow and get the story started. To be clear, when someone posts, they are not under obligation to keep the story going. We're not doing the format I initially wanted to do, because I thought that was too much obligation for a casual blog. But whenever anyone posts, they can pick up the story from where it left off and roll with it.

    I'll post later.

    By Blogger Agius, at 10:03 AM  

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