How's your day?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Well, I've had finals all the week. Only three more to go (figures they are all at the end of the week...) and so I'll be heading home on the weekend. I'll definitely be back on Sunday and situated on Monday. What day is everyone else getting back?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day and a mental pinch to all who aren't wearing green!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Guild Wars

Remember I used to talk about Guild Wars a lot? Well it finally has a release date set. April 28th. Just in time for summer!

To recap, Guild Wars is an MMORPG that does not require a monthly fee. It looks as if it could rival even World of Warcraft, and I cannot wait for it to release. Is anyone else interested in the game? What'd be really awesome is if we all get it to play over the summer. We could all join the same guild! It'd be a blast. Let me know what you guys think via comments.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Cops and Robbers

Check out my Dad's band's website. They are known as the Cops and Robbers because the finding members were all police officers (except for one of them). Sgt. Rick Pelicano's son Dominic was the "Robber" of the group. He always got in trouble by drinking or speeding or whatnot. And one of the members was thrown in jail right before a gig (I don't know if he was a founding member or not, and he wasn't a police officer). Anyway, my Dad filled in for the drummer one practice (the guy who was thrown in jail) and they asked him to stay. So he became their reliable drummer. Anyway, check it out. There are a few pictures. Ignore the spelling mistakes though, the site just came up and it hasn't been proofread yet.

Dominic Pelicano passed away of a drug overdose last year in May and there is a page set up as his memorial if you'd like to check that out too.

If you are trying to figure out who my Dad is, his name is the same as mine. Steve Tucker.

And by the way, my Dad is retiring from the police force as the Assistant Chief of Police of the Prince George's County Park Police Division. He has gotten a job with the government as the Head of Security for government officials in Montgomery County. He is in charge of the security at government buildings in that county, and he is the boss. We're all proud of him, and he's very excited.

And someone post the next part of the story!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tsunami Uncovers Ancient City

According to Fox News:

MAHABALIPURAM, India — Archaeologists have begun underwater excavations of what is believed to be an ancient city and parts of a temple uncovered by the tsunami (search) off the coast of a centuries-old pilgrimage town.

Three rocky structures with elaborate carvings of animals have emerged near the coastal town of Mahabalipuram (search), which was battered by the Dec. 26 tsunami.

As the waves receded, the force of the water removed sand deposits that had covered the structures, which appear to belong to a port city built in the seventh century, said T. Satyamurthy, a senior archaeologist with the Archaeological Survey of India.

Thought you guys might find that interesting... Here's pictures.
-Lion Head Monument
-Temple Ruins

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Archmagus has died, I'm afraid. My host quit on me - there's some kind of error in the payment system wherby, they think I haven't payed, when I really have. So they shut down my account. No warning email, no notification, no requests for money, just bam. I'm locked out - I can't back up databases or anything.

That's the last straw for p4host. They've been having so much trouble lately, that I'm sick of their crap. 2 days a week, I would be locked out from coding & compatability tests, because they can't keep their system up. So I switched to a new host where I have more space, more options, and (hopefully) more reliability.

I don't think I'm going to restore the message boards. We weren't using them anyway, and there's a link to Brian's on the side. It doesn't seem to be up now, but maybe he'll put it up later. If not, we can create a board on Invisionfree. But I don't think we were using boards enough to justify the web space.

Also, if anyone saw my earlier entry (something about religious classes in public schools in Staunton - if anybody remembers Sano (Dan) from the boards, that's where he's from) - I apologize. I didn't check which blog I was sending that to - I thought it was going to my political blog. The BlogThis extension for firefox needs more settings, IMO.

Anyhow, I suppose that's it for now. Catch you all later, and have a good day!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Infinite Reaches of Space

Check out my new blog, The Infinite Reaches of Space. It's where I keep myself (and those who read it) up to date on the latest space stuff! I haven't really gotten started yet, but I hope to get it kicking shortly. I have currently one other person working on it with me.